PenfoldsMarquee 2024
This Spring Racing season, the Penfolds Marquee unveiled ‘A Kind of magic’—an extraordinary fusion of artistry, bold kinetic design, and transformative experience.
Inspired by Creative Director Nigo’s renowned infinity pattern, the marquee reimagined the Birdcage experience. The pattern transformed the space into a vibrant playground of visual landscapes that seamlessly transcended the boundaries of reality and imagination.
Anchored in Penfolds’ signature red, the space struck a harmonious balance between intrigue and playful expression. A striking blend of artistry and joy, it created a realm as unexpected as it was unforgettable.
Commissioned by Penfolds
Design by Gloss Creative
Build by The Melbourne Builder
Floral by Flowers Vasette
Catering by The Big Group
Furniture by CAMM Upholstery + DANN Event Hire + Harry the Hirer
Photography by Marcel Aucar + Jessica Obialor